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Dr Cesko Izabella




Dr Cesko Izabella



Practice patient

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Private practice

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New patient


Vaccination in private practice

1021 Budapest, Budakeszi út 51/d.

 Please only visit this consulting hours with a healthy child! Thank you!



1022 Budapest, Rét u. 3.

Vaccination in the Rét street office only works for patients registered in the practice. Please do not recourse if you are an unreported patient or for non-vaccination!
Please visit the vaccination only with a healthy child!  


Private practice

1021 Budapest, Budakeszi út 51/d.

The private consultation works everyday, even on weekends.

The Clinic is equipped with modern laboratory machines: immediate diagnosis from a drop of blood: CRP and FULL BLOOD IMAGE, Covid antigen test, Covid antibody test, StrepA rapid test, urine test, otoscopic ear test.



Surgury hours

1022 Budapest, Rét utca 3.

Only for patients registered in the practice. Important, that these are approximate dates only. If you arrive without a date, we can call you back by the end of the order.




Private practice

You can book an appointment for visiting my private practice on In case of having problems with booking please contact me at
Address: 51/D Budakeszi út, Szépilona Lakópark, Budapest 1021.

Please always make an appointment for visiting my private practice.

Private pediatrician practice with labor tests: 40 000 HUF

Controll with labor tests: 30 000 HUF

E-mail recipe or certificate: 10 000 HUF



Vaccination: 20 000 HUF


Homeopathic consultation

At the homeopathic consultation, after completing a questionnaire consisting of 252 questions, an hour-and-a-half-hour pathography is taken, during which current complaints, previous illnesses, lifestyle and behavioral habits are questioned. This is followed by a personalized homeopathic medicine choice with nutritional and phytoterapic advice.

Laboratory test


Laboratory tests from a few drop of blood. Everyday, even on weekends, at the private office at 1021 Budapest, Budakeszi út 51/d, immediately results:

FULL BLOOD IMAGE: qualitative and quantitative (nationally available only in this private practice) for differential diagnosis of infections, detection of anemia, proof of intestinal worms.

CRP examination: for the detection of bacterial infections, inflammations, for the differential diagnosis of infections.

StrepA rapid test: Detection of Streptococcus pyogenes tonsillitis, sore throat, scarlet fever from sore throat.

Covid antigen rapid test, Covid antibody rapid test.



Private practice

Pediatric office